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  中铁五局(集团)有限公司始建于1950年,是中国铁路工程总公司的主要成员企业。公司总资产80多亿元;拥有各种国产和进口大型机械设备约2500台(套),总价值4.22亿多元;年生产能力达100亿元以上,先后参加过全国80多条铁路干线、百余条公路重点项目以及地铁、城市轻轨、机场、码头、水利水电、通信信号、市政和国外工程的建设,以优质守信获得各界好评,是中国建筑行业百强企业。1988年受国务院表彰,成为全国十四家先进单位和企业之一;1999年被评为中国企业形象AAA级单位、全国优秀施工企业、十五年来全国最佳施工企业,荣获全国五一劳动奖状;2000年被评为全国质量效益型先进施工企业全国质量管理小组活动优秀企业;2001年荣获九五铁路先进企业、1998-2000年度贵州省有突出贡献的国有企业称号;2002年被评为贵州省红旗文明单位和全国建筑安全生产先进集体;2003年荣获全国安康杯优胜企业;2004年荣获中央企业先进集体;2005年荣获全国精神文明建设工作先进单位;2006年,公司实现生产经营双百亿,成为贵州省首家双百亿企业,并与中国铁路工程总公司一道跨入世界企业500强行列,同年还荣获了全国企业文化建设工作优秀单位、全国工程建设质量管理优秀企业称号;2007年7月荣获全国守合同重信用单位称号。  中铁五局集团的外经事业经历了50多年的发展历程,从50年代到70年代,先后援助朝鲜、越南、柬埔寨、坦桑尼亚、赞比亚等国的铁路建设,参加了当时中国对非洲最大的经援项目-坦赞铁路的建设。80年代至90年代,在伊拉克、利比亚、阿尔及利亚、象牙海岸、尼泊尔、老挝、科威特、北也门等国参加了铁路、公路、机场、房屋、引水等工程项目的施工建设,创造了良好的国际信誉。2000年以后,海外业务进一步发展,业务扩展到南太平洋、东欧、南美、中亚、加勒比海等国家和地区,成功承揽了20余个项目,目前已竣工移交的6个项目均被评为优良工程。  中铁五局在1995年已获得外经贸部颁发的《中华人民共和国对外经济技术合作经营资格证书》、《中华人民共和国进出口企业资格证书》以及中国海关颁发的《自理报关单位登记证明书》,享有外经、外贸权,同时,中铁五局也是中国对外承包工程商会会员和理事单位。  中铁五局集团海外工程分公司作为中铁五局集团的对外窗口,代表集团公司进行国际工程承包、国际劳务合作和进出口贸易、国际间的专业技术交流以及承担中国对外经援项目等国际经济技术合作业务。  Founded in 1950, China Railway WuJu(Group) Corporation (CRWJ) is one of the major members of China Railway Engineering Corporation. It has total assets of more than RMB 8 billion Yuan, owns about 2500 large pieces (sets) of homemade and imported machinery and equipment with total value of RMB 422 million Yuan and annual capacity of more than RMB 10 billion Yuan. The Company has participated in construction of more than 80 railway trunk lines nationwide, hundreds major highway projects, and subway, city light rail, airport, wharf, hydropower and water conservancy, telecommunications and signaling, municipal works and overseas engineering. It receives positive evaluation from all circles for its top-quality work and faith-keeping and was listed as one of Chinas Top 100 Construction Enterprises. The Company was awarded one of the national 14 advanced enterprises by the State Council in 1988. In 1999, it was honored with Grade AAA Enterprise, National Outstanding Construction Enterprise, National Construction Model Enterprise commented in every 15 years and national May the First Labor Medal. In 2000, it was honored with National Advanced Construction Enterprise Both in Quality and Benefit and National Quality Management Team Campaign Model Enterprise. In 2001, it was honored the Ninth Five-year Plan Advanced Railway Enterprise and 1998-2000 State-owned Enterprise of Guizhou Province with Outstanding Contributions. In 2002, it was honored with Red Flag Culture Unit of Guizhou Province and National Construction Secure Production Advanced Collectivity. It was titled National An-Kang Cup Excellent Enterprise and Advanced Group of National Enterprise in 2003 and 2004 respectively. In 2005, it was awarded with National Cultural and Ethical Progress Advanced Enterprise. In 2006, the Company accomplished double RMB 10 billion Yuan in management and production, and the first in Guizhou Province. Together with China Railway Engineering Corporation, it joined the ranks of international enterprises top 500, and titled National Enterprises Culture Building Advanced Enterprise and National Advanced Enterprise of Engineering Construction Quality Management. It won the title of National Contract-valuing and Faith-keeping Enterprise in July, 2007.  CRWJs foreign trading has witnessed the development of more than 50 years and always strive to be the best and creditable internationally. It has aided the railway construction of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Tanzania and Zambia etc from 50s to 70s. It has engaged in Tanzania railway construction, which is Chinas largest aided project to Africa. It has participated in construction of railway, highway, airport, houses and water diversion projects in Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Nepal, Laos, Kuwait and North Yemen etc from 80s to 90s. After the year of 2000, overseas business has achieved further success and expanded to the South Pacific, East Europe, South America, Middle Asia and the Caribbean countries, undertaking more than 20 projects, among which 6 has awarded as excellent projects at present.  In 1995, CRWJ acquired P.R.China Foreign Economy Trade and Technique Cooperation Management Qualification Certificate and P.R.China Import and Export Enterprise Qualification Certificate issued by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic, and Self-help Custom Declaration Registration Certificate issued by China Customs, enjoying rights of foreign trade and economic. In addition, CRWJ is a member and director of Chamber of Foreign Contract Engineering Commerce of China.  Overseas Engineering Company is a window to foreigners for CRWJ, representing the Corporation to carry out international engineering contracting, international labor cooperation, import export trading, international specialty and technique exchange as well as Chinas aided projects.


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