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YWL 耀华工程顾问公司(新加坡)是以桥梁工程技术为核心业务的技术顾问公司。公司的核心团队由具有国际专业水准与工程经验的专业技术人员组成。公司的业务主要是为桥梁和其他大型土木工程提供全方位、全过程的技术咨询与服务。 包括永久结构设计及其优化设计,施工工艺与施工组织管理, 结构检测评估及维护,临时结构的方案比选与设计, 特殊施工机械设备的设计与供应。公司历经的重大的桥梁项目涵盖新加坡,香港, 马来西亚,印度尼西亚, 泰国,文莱,越南,斯里兰卡,印度,阿联酋,科威特,巴林,澳大利亚,南美的厄瓜多尔和中国内地的许多城市。

YWL武汉耀华桥梁工程技术有限公司为YWL耀华工程顾问公司(新加坡)在华独资机构,经过十年精心磨砺和用心经营,已打造成一支年轻有为、技术成熟、团结向上、善打硬仗的优秀团队,为总公司的发展做出了突出贡献。YWL 的成功来自于始终坚持的公司理念:正直诚信的职业操守;文明敬业的社会责任;精益求精的专业技能;积极合作的团队精神;应海内外业务拓展的需要诚意邀请有志人士加入。有国家认证的注册工程师资质的优先工作地点:武汉市、武昌区中南路,有机会前往新加坡培训与长短期工作;薪资待遇:根据工作地点和工作能力给予合理薪资;其他待遇:享有带薪年假;基本要求:身体健康,品行端正,热情敬业,吃苦耐劳,责任心强。具备良好的协调沟通能力和团队合作精神。

YWL Engineering Pte Ltd is an engineering consultancy company with a special business focus on bridge engineering. The team consists of experienced engineers who have practiced internationally in various capacities ranging from consultants, contractors, owners and authorities. The services provided by YWL include permanent works design, value engineering, construction method development, structure assessment and maintenance consultancy, major temporary works design, design and supply of precast concrete formwork system and heavy lifting equipment. YWL has successfully completed many significant bridge projects located in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, United Arab Emirate, Kuwait, Bahrain, Australia, Ecuador and many major cities in mainland China.

YWL is one of the most prominent bridge design groups in the region. It is known by many clients as the bridge specialist who integrates design and construction with creative and economical solutions. With the capacity to design and supply the tailor-made bridge construction equipment, it has involved in many difficult and unconventional projects. Another special strength of YWL is its ability in engineering software development. The geometry control software (GeomPro) for precast segmental bridge works is one of the most popular tools widely used in large-scale viaduct projects.


年终分红 五险一金 带薪年假 交通补贴 餐补 通讯补贴 年度旅游 岗位晋升 管理规范 技能培训 周末双休


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